Bonté Bakery was founded in 2021 as a home bakery by Anne Marie after years of experimentation for herself, her family and friends with gluten intolerance. After selling bread to only 3 local stores, the bakery quickly grew in popularity within Vermont. We expanded our operations into a commercial bakery setting in July 2023 and now sell our products in 30+ stores in Vermont and New Hampshire as well as offering online sales. As we grow we remain committed to high quality and ethical standards as stated below in our mission, vision and values.

Mission: to provide the highest quality gluten free artisan breads, pizza crusts, and other baked goods that are health-conscious without sacrificing taste.

Vision: all people with gluten free and other dietary restrictions are able to enjoy high quality breads, pizza and other baked goods.


  1. Gluten Free: all of our products are gluten free and produced in a gluten free facility. To the extent possible we will provide products that meet the needs of dietary restrictions beyond gluten free such as vegan and paleo.

  2. Quality: we produce only the best and highest quality products using the highest quality ingredients, organic whenever possible.

  3. Sustainability: We strive to minimize and ideally eliminate plastic from our production and packaging. Our ingredients are sourced from environmentally and socially responsible companies. We aim to become a carbon neutral company.

  4. Community: We aim to create a friendly, safe, nurturing and positive workplace for our employees with fair wages and opportunity for professional growth. We value our customers as part of our team and community as we strive to provide them the best products and service possible.

  5. Accessibility: We want all people that desire to have high quality gluten free products to be able to do so at a price point that is achievable for them. Despite the higher cost of gluten-free ingredients, we will strive to keep our prices reasonable without sacrificing quality.